
Taking Notes

Sitting in class listening to a professor talk for hours a week is a bit overwhelming at times. When we sit and do nothing but listen our brains do not fully grasp or retain the concepts being spoken about. This is why taking notes in class is a benefit to retaining the information you hear in class.

The following 6 points will help you in taking meaningful notes in the classroom.

 - Be alert to repetition 
If your professor is repeating a concept, phrase, or name it is important to make note of it. That means it is important!

 - Listen for introductory, concluding, and transition words and phrases
phrases such as "the following five things," "the most important factor," "in addition," will signify a relationship or tie between ideas. This will help you organize what connects to what in the lecture and in notes you will be taking

 - Watch the board/power point
Outlines, many times, will be shown to students. Professors may change font style or color of text that is important to remember. Pictures may also be used to help tie concepts together.

 - Watch the instructor's eyes
If the professor takes a moment to look at their notes or make sure everybody is attentive it usually means they are about to say something of importance. Watch for this and take note!

 - Highlight the obvious clues
Many time your professor will tell you flat out that information will be on the test. Develop a way to mark your notes so you remember that the thing discussed will be on the exam!

 - Notice the instructor's interest level
Pay attention to how the instructor feels about the material. The more excited or animated they become the more likely it will appear on an exam.

Remember that everybody takes notes differently. Try a couple of these tips when taking your notes next time in class and see what works for you!

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